
Showing posts from October, 2023

"Killers of the Flower Moon" Review

"Killers of the Flower Moon" 《花月殺手》是名導演Martin Scorsese最新的電影,主演有Leonardo DiCaprio、Robert De Niro和Lily Gladstone。故事是根據一本同名的非虛構書改編的,講述1920年代美國的Osage族人被人殺害,包括Lily Gladstone飾演的Mollie的家人,而DiCaprio飾演的Ernest (Mollie的丈夫)和 De Niro 飾演的William Hale(Ernest的舅父)亦牽涉其中。這套電影不但說出Osage族當年因為在他們的土地下發現石油被人謀財害命的事情,更帶出一些人居然可以為了錢不擇手段,而且指出軟弱的人會很容易被別人利用。每一位主演都很出色,DiCaprio和De Niro 當然不用質疑,Lily Gladstone 也能夠比得上他們兩位,這絕不是容易的事。電影的音樂和場景都十分配合,令觀眾更投入電影的世界。最大的缺點就是片長:3.5小時的確太長了。總括來說,我絕對推介 "Killers of the Flower Moon" 《花月殺手》,絕對不能錯過! 如果你已經看過這套 電影 或者有任何意見,歡迎在下面留言! "Killers of the Flower Moon" is a film directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, and Lily Gladstone. The film follows the suspicious deaths of members of the Osage tribe in America in the 1920s, mainly the family of Mollie (Lily Gladstone), with Mollie's husband Ernest (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Ernest's uncle William Hale (Robert De Niro) also tied to it all in some way. The film not only tells of the...

"The Fall of the House of Usher" Review

"The Fall of the House of Usher" is a horror drama miniseries created by Mike Flanagan, who also created "The Haunting of Hill House" and "The Haunting of Bly Manor". It centers on a corrupt pharmaceutical CEO and his family as they reckon with the consequences of their actions, learning that every act has a price that must be paid and that no amount of power and influence can truly cover up the rotten core of the Usher family. The writing is engaging and delves deep into the psychology of the dysfunctional Usher family members, dissecting the reasons for their horrible behavior and decadence while not making any excuses for them, showing how they do, on some level, deserve the terrible fates in store for them. The Usher family are all flawed people who, through their own choices and letting the power they have go to their heads, suffer grisly ends delivered by a mysterious woman out to take them down.  The performances are excellent, particularly from Bru...

"Saint Frances" Review

“Saint Frances” 是一套電影,講述Bridget (Kelly O'Sullivan) 擔任保母工作,照顧小女孩Frances (Ramona Edith Williams) 時幾經波折同時亦要面對墮胎後的種種問題。電影用一個輕鬆而感性的手法探討母性、墮胎、不願說出心底話等等話題。每一位演員都表現出色,尤其是Kelly O'Sullivan和Ramona Edith Williams。兩人所飾演的角色之間的互動是電影的核心和焦點,同時亦令觀眾可以更加了解Bridget的內心世界,所以即使這個角色有明顯的缺點,觀眾仍然可以接受她,想她有一個好結局。這套電影既充滿溫情又非常好笑,從頭到尾都令我很投入。我十分推薦 “Saint Frances”! 千萬不要錯過! "Saint Frances" is a drama film directed by Alex Thompson, and written by and starring Kelly O'Sullivan. It follows Bridget (O'Sullivan) as she navigates the complications that arise from her job as a babysitter for six-year-old Frances (Ramona Edith Williams) as well as from an unwanted pregnancy and subsequent abortion. The film explores issues such as motherhood, abortion, and the reluctance to open up about emotions with a great amount of grace, humor and heart. Every performance was pitch-perfect, especially O'Sullivan and Williams. The central dynamic between Bridget and Frances is the standout as it grounds Bridget ...

"The Creator" Review

"The Creator" 《AI創世者》是一套科幻電影,由Gareth Edwards 導演。故事發生在不久的未來,人和人工智能展開戰爭,前軍人Joshua (John David Washington 飾演) 被召回軍隊參與一個行動以找出一個可以扭轉戰爭形勢的武器。電影的故事是原創的,不是改編的,但亦不算新鮮,圍繞着一個生硬、不太理會他人死活的人被一個天真的小孩融化。即使如此,這個故事都演繹的不錯,有一種實在的情感透出來,令人不禁想看下去。 故事周邊的世界很引人注目,演員的演出都非常讓人投入他們的角色,尤其是初次演出的Madeleine Yuna Voyles,她演得很動人,我認為是在兒童演員之中最為出色的演出。她的角色和Joshua之間的互動能夠令電影昇華,令觀眾真的在意這兩個角色和他們的遭遇。電影的視覺效果亦不容置疑,而成本更是比很多同類型的電影較低。 這套電影雖然有點劇本上的瑕疵,但演出和特效都非常精湛。如果你喜歡看科幻電影的話,我會推介 "The Creator"《AI創世者》。 "The Creator" is a science fiction film directed by Gareth Edwards. It takes place during a war between humans and artificial intelligence, and follows Joshua, portrayed by John David Washington, a former soldier who is tasked with hunting down a mysterious weapon that can alter the course of the war. The story is not exactly new despite being an original story not based on any existing work, with familiar beats of seeing a tough and gruff man softened by his interaction with a child. Nevertheless, it is execute...

"Nowhere" Review

"Nowhere" is a survival drama film starring Anna Castillo as Mia, a pregnant woman attempting to flee Spain with her husband during a period of harsh laws and unrest. When she is separated from her husband and trapped alone inside a cargo container that is left adrift at sea, she must fight to survive various dangers using everything at her disposal. The film is utterly gripping from beginning to end as we watch Mia persevere in the face of different perils, from rising water levels in the container to a lack of food. While the film has dialogue, it remains rather minimalist, focusing almost entirely on Mia's struggle in the container. The film is very enjoyable and tense, and I definitely recommend this movie! "Nowhere" 是一套求生電影,Anna Castillo 飾演Mia, 一個在懷孕女人跟丈夫逃離正陷入混亂的西班牙。Mia 意外地跟丈夫分開了,並被困在一個貨櫃內, 貨櫃亦很快掉進海洋裏。Mia 因此必須想盡辦法求生。 電影比較簡約,焦點幾乎完全在Mia為了求生的奮鬥。 電影由頭到尾都非常緊張,因為Mia 正面對着種種困難, 既有糧食短缺的問題,又有貨櫃內水位升高的難關。 我絕對推介這套電影! 如果你已經看過這套 電影 或者有任何意見,歡迎在下面留言! If you've seen this...

"Past Lives" Review

"Past Lives" is a melancholic romantic drama film directed by Celine Song in her feature film directorial debut and stars Greta Lee and Teo Yoo as Nora and Hae Sung respectively, two childhood friends who come in and out of each other's lives, and eventually reunite and reflect on their past relationship. The film is slow, but with a wistful tone perfectly capturing the tragic feeling of a love lost to time, of what could have been. The performances are pitch-perfect, with Lee and Yoo embodying their characters completely, creating an effectively sentimental interplay between the two even when they are just silently staring at each other. This film's slow pace might not be to everyone's taste, but I believe everyone should at least give it a watch if only because I think that its underlying themes of longing, regret, and the things left unsaid are universal themes that everyone can relate to. Please don't miss out on "Past Lives"! “Past Lives” 是一套浪漫劇...