"Nowhere" Review
"Nowhere" is a survival drama film starring Anna Castillo as Mia, a pregnant woman attempting to flee Spain with her husband during a period of harsh laws and unrest. When she is separated from her husband and trapped alone inside a cargo container that is left adrift at sea, she must fight to survive various dangers using everything at her disposal. The film is utterly gripping from beginning to end as we watch Mia persevere in the face of different perils, from rising water levels in the container to a lack of food. While the film has dialogue, it remains rather minimalist, focusing almost entirely on Mia's struggle in the container. The film is very enjoyable and tense, and I definitely recommend this movie!
"Nowhere" 是一套求生電影,Anna Castillo 飾演Mia, 一個在懷孕女人跟丈夫逃離正陷入混亂的西班牙。Mia 意外地跟丈夫分開了,並被困在一個貨櫃內, 貨櫃亦很快掉進海洋裏。Mia 因此必須想盡辦法求生。 電影比較簡約,焦點幾乎完全在Mia為了求生的奮鬥。 電影由頭到尾都非常緊張,因為Mia 正面對着種種困難, 既有糧食短缺的問題,又有貨櫃內水位升高的難關。 我絕對推介這套電影!
If you've seen this movie, what did you think of it? Let me know in the comments below!
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