"Killers of the Flower Moon" Review

"Killers of the Flower Moon" 《花月殺手》是名導演Martin Scorsese最新的電影,主演有Leonardo DiCaprio、Robert De Niro和Lily Gladstone。故事是根據一本同名的非虛構書改編的,講述1920年代美國的Osage族人被人殺害,包括Lily Gladstone飾演的Mollie的家人,而DiCaprio飾演的Ernest (Mollie的丈夫)和 De Niro 飾演的William Hale(Ernest的舅父)亦牽涉其中。這套電影不但說出Osage族當年因為在他們的土地下發現石油被人謀財害命的事情,更帶出一些人居然可以為了錢不擇手段,而且指出軟弱的人會很容易被別人利用。每一位主演都很出色,DiCaprio和De Niro 當然不用質疑,Lily Gladstone 也能夠比得上他們兩位,這絕不是容易的事。電影的音樂和場景都十分配合,令觀眾更投入電影的世界。最大的缺點就是片長:3.5小時的確太長了。總括來說,我絕對推介 "Killers of the Flower Moon" 《花月殺手》,絕對不能錯過!


"Killers of the Flower Moon" is a film directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, and Lily Gladstone. The film follows the suspicious deaths of members of the Osage tribe in America in the 1920s, mainly the family of Mollie (Lily Gladstone), with Mollie's husband Ernest (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Ernest's uncle William Hale (Robert De Niro) also tied to it all in some way. The film not only tells of the deaths that plagued the Osage after the discovery of oil deposits beneath their land, but also points out the extreme lengths people will go to in the name of greed. It also shows how the cowardly and spineless can be easily manipulated by others to go along with horrific schemes. All the actors are comfortable in their roles, especially the leads who inhabit their characters completely. DiCaprio and De Niro are obviously masters of their craft, but Lily Gladstone can truly keep up with them, which is no easy feat. The soundtrack and production design are similarly effective at drawing the viewer in. The main flaw of the film is its length, with its 3.5 hour runtime just seeming too long in telling the story it wants to tell. At the end of the day, "Killers of the Flower Moon" is an excellent film and I highly recommend it as one you should not miss!

If you've seen this movie, what did you think of it? Let me know in the comments below!


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