"Thanksgiving" Review

《Thanksgiving》是一部由Eli Roth執導,Nell Verlaque和Patrick Dempsey主演的恐怖電影。在一場可怕悲劇發生一週年之際,一名殺手對涉事的人進行可怕的廝殺行動。這絕對是一套可以讓人關掉大腦看、娛樂性非常高的電影,殺手殺人的方法也非常有創意和血腥,而有一些情節(包括開頭的騷亂場面)為電影加上緊張氣氛。飾演年輕主角們的演員偶爾有點僵硬不自然,但也能夠令觀眾信服他們是一群親密的朋友,而且大多數主角也很討人喜歡。總括來說,這是一部非常血腥的恐怖電影,但如果你喜歡血腥恐怖的話,我覺得這套電影值得你去看一看。7/10

想閱讀更詳細的影評, 或我對其他電影和電視劇的評價, 請到: https://veronthereviewer.blogspot.com/


“Thanksgiving” is a horror/slasher film directed by Eli Roth, and starring Nell Verlaque and Patrick Dempsey. On the one-year anniversary of a horrible tragedy, a killer surfaces to strike at those involved. The film is uninhibited and mindless fun, and the kills are quite creative and gory. There are also some sequences that ramp up the tension amidst all the blood, such as the lengthy riot sequence that opens the film. The performances from the younger leads can be a bit stiff at times, but they're all believable as a group of close friends and most of the lead characters are likable too. Overall, it's a solidly gory slasher film and I do recommend checking it out if that's your jam. 7/10

For a more detailed review or to see what I think about other movies or TV series, please go to: https://veronthereviewer.blogspot.com/

If you've seen this movie or have anything to share, please let me know in the comments!


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