"Immaculate" Review

《Immaculate》是一套恐怖電影,講述了一位年輕的美國修女在義大利的一座修道院裡發現自己神秘懷孕的故事。 Sydney Sweeney 飾演主角Cecilia,試圖找出懷孕背後的原因。 影片在開頭幾分鐘就展示修道院裡發生了一些恐怖的事情,然後花了一些時間透過Cecilia讓我們透過了解修道院裡的人。 然後Cecilia懷孕了,電影的其餘部分著重於解開它是如何發生的以及這個謎團對修道院和Cecilia本人產生的種種反應。

電影的節奏其實拖得有點長,不過最後的20 分鐘彌補了之前的部分,為核心謎團提供了答案,大大加快了節奏,我們亦見到Cecilia漸漸敢於反抗,並從而展示了Sydney Sweeney的演技。電影的尾段帶來了實際的恐怖的氣氛,並透過結局豐富了電影的前半部分。 因此,雖然電影的節奏實在有點瑕疵,但一個有趣的謎團、Sydney Sweeney出色的演出以及緊張的尾段令《Immaculate》成為一套我推薦的電影。

"Immaculate" is a horror film about a young American nun in a convent in Italy who discovers that she is mysteriously pregnant. It stars Sydney Sweeney as the protagonist Cecilia as she tries to figure out the circumstances behind the pregnancy. The film sets up some nefarious goings-on at the convent in the first few minutes, and then spends some time letting us get to know the people at the convent through Cecilia. Then Cecilia gets pregnant and the rest of the film is devoted to the mystery of how it happened and the ripple effects it has on the convent and Cecilia herself. 

The mystery is drip-fed, and a little too slowly for much of the film, with much of it dragging on for just a bit too long. However,  the last 20 minutes redeems the prior parts by offering interesting answers to the mysteries at hand, ratcheting up the pacing considerably, and showing Sydney Sweeney being fully dialed-in and giving a great performance as Cecilia evolves into a survivor who fights back effectively. This final sequence does up the movie with a horrifying bow and enriches the prior parts of the film just by how good of an ending it is. So, while there are some pacing problems, an intriguing mystery, a fantastic central performance from Sydney Sweeney, and a great final act makes "Immaculate" a solid film and one that I do recommend.



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