"Oppenheimer" Review
"Oppenheimer" 《奧本海默》是導演Christopher Nolan最新的電影,講述由Cillian Murphy飾演的「原子彈之父」奧本海默。 這套電影講述了奧本海默被帶入製造第一顆原子彈的秘密研究項目,參與製造和測試原子彈,但亦被政府懷疑他對國家的忠誠,同時他也與自己的內疚感鬥爭。電影儘管長達三個小時,但我在觀看時從沒有一刻感到無聊或覺得電影太長了。 這電影有很多複雜的對白,還有很多角色,更不停的在時間和視角上跳躍,但這一切都是相當容易明白的,令觀眾能夠容易清楚每位重要角色的身分和性格。 這套電影也從奧本海默製造了原子彈的角度探討了內疚和責任的主題。 電影每一幕都以一種既真實又電影般且引人入勝的方式呈現。 簡而言之, 《奧本海默》是一套拍得很漂亮的電影,Cillian Murphy的演出非常精彩,並探討了奧本海默的內疚感和製造大規模殺傷性武器上的道德問題。
"Oppenheimer" is a biographical film directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer, the "father of the atomic bomb". The film follows Oppenheimer as he is brought onto a secret project to create the first atomic bomb, to his involvement in building and testing said bomb, to his questioning by a committee for his loyalty to his government, all while he wrestles with the guilt of his involvement in creating the atomic bomb. Despite being 3 hours long, there was never a point where I was bored or felt that the film had overstayed its welcome. There is a lot of complex dialogue, but it is all delivered in a way that makes it easy to understand. There are also an abundance of characters as well as jumps in time and perspective, but it is all made rather easy to follow thanks to pitch-perfect context that allows the viewer to comprehend who's who and what they are like. The film also tackles themes of guilt and the burden of knowledge from the perspective of someone who had a major hand in making a powerful weapon. Everything is presented in a way that feels realistic and yet cinematic and engaging way. Put simply, Oppenheimer is gorgeous to look at, features a brilliant leading performance from Cillian Murphy, and explores ethical questions of guilt and the morality of creating a weapon of mass destruction.
If you've seen this movie or have anything to share, please let me know!
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