"All Is Lost" Review

"All Is Lost" is a minimalist survival drama film starring Robert Redford as a nameless man out at sea whose boat gets damaged. We know nothing about the character's background or why he is at sea, nor where the shipping container that damaged his boat came from. These details are unimportant in the face of the peril the man now faces. The film has no dialogue, and most of the spoken lines are from the main character talking to himself and lamenting his condition. Yet it is a thoroughly gripping experience from beginning to end as we watch the man's struggle to survive in ever-worsening conditions. This is so compelling to watch and I cannot recommend it enough! Please do not miss this film!

“All Is Lost” 是一套求生電影,唯一一個演員是Robert Redford,電影講述他飾演的無名男人在航海時,船隻被撞到穿了一個大洞,男人繼而想盡辦法在無盡的海洋絕境中求生。電影並沒有解釋男人的背景和他在海上航行的原因。這些疑問都不重要,因為這個男人現在的處境才是電影的重點。電影沒有對白,而大部分的獨白都是因為主角在絕望中跟自己說話。這套電影從第一秒到最後一刻都非常緊張。我不得不推薦這套電影!!


If you've seen this movie, what did you think of it? Let me know in the comments below!


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