"Normal People" Review
Normal People 是一套12集的電視劇,改編自Sally Rooney的同名小說,講述Marianne (Daisy Edgar-Jones 飾演)和 Connell(Paul Mescal 飾演)兩人之間藕斷絲連的關係及他們在成長過程中共同面對的問題,包括他們是否被朋輩認同和接受以及兩人分別在自尊和想對方表達自己意願的困難。
雖然劇情有點憂憂的,這套劇集的節奏還是比較明快,大概30分鐘就看完一集了,而且情節都集中在Marianne 和 Connell 的關係之中的細節上,令兩人的關係顯得更加真實。 這套劇集有很多親密場面, 但是主要都是用來令觀眾更加投入劇情或者用來描述角色的精神狀況。
Normal People 特別出色的是它的劇本令觀眾很快便了解和同情兩位主角的處境。即使 Marianne 和 Connell都做出一些錯誤或者被人質疑的決定, 但這不就是成長時必須經過的嗎? 劇集亦都著眼於兩位主角作出抉擇背後的心理因素和動機,尤其探討兩人用不同方法表達他們其實都缺乏自我價值。 這些對主角內心的剖析更加令觀眾能夠投入兩個主角的處境和內心的感受。
Daisy Edgar-Jones 和 Paul Mescal 兩人的演出可以說是無械可擊,兩位演員都令到他們的角色有一種像是很現實地流露真性情的感覺,令Marianne和Connell的關係活靈活現,讓觀眾更加明白兩位角色內心的想法 和慾望。
我認為Normal People 是一套非常動人的劇集,這當然是歸功於兩位主演演員的演出以及劇集能夠深入地探討一段關係的發展和種種的心理鬱結。因此,我絕對推介Normal People,甚至認為是必看劇集!
The series is about 30 minutes per episode, so despite the melancholic tone in its exploration of an intimate relationship, it actually goes by very quickly, and the melancholy and focus on the finer aspects help make the relationship between Marianne and Connell feel painfully raw and realistic. There are a lot of sex scenes, but they help to enhance the realistic portrayal of relationships or establish the particular mental state the characters are in.
Normal People absolutely shines in its writing and its performances. Yes, Marianne and Connell make some questionable choices in their lives and in their relationship, but such mistakes are part and parcel of growing up. The series is also focused on the psychological impetus behind their decision-making, namely feelings of low self-worth and insecurity that plague them both in different ways throughout much of the series. These very relatable feelings help the audience get into the heads of the two lead characters and truly understand them as people.
The performances by Daisy Edgar-Jones and Paul Mescal are nothing short of breathtaking. So much is said between Marianne and Connell without so much as a word. Edgar-Jones and Mescal imbue their characters with a lot of genuine vulnerability. Their performances help to make their characters feel fully realized, allowing the audience to fully grasp their thoughts and feelings, and therefore connect with their characters on an very emotional level.
Normal People is a genuinely moving and engaging series, thanks to the genuine and moving performances from Daisy Edgar-Jones and Paul Mescal, and its intimate and realistic portrayal of relationships, vulnerability, and psychological issues. I definitely recommend Normal People, and I would say that this is a must-watch series!
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