"Good Luck To You, Leo Grande" Review
“Good Luck To You, Leo Grande” 是一套喜劇電影,由Sophie Hyde 執導。整套電影的劇情幾乎都在一間酒店房間裡發生,講述Nancy(Emma Thompson)聘請了一個年輕的性工作者Leo Grande(Daryl McCormack)以協助自己尋找性滿足。
電影的兩個主要演員都演得非常好。Emma Thompson的演技當然毋庸置疑,但Daryl McCormack 都演得出色和自然。兩個角色一邊說出各自跟家人複雜的關係、兩人對Leo身為性工作者的看法和Nancy對於探索自己的性慾的忐忑,一邊慢慢令Nancy漸漸放鬆,擁抱自己的身體。這套電影亦以非常人性化的眼光看兩位主角,而不是用批判的角度描寫他們的抉擇和人格。電影焦聚焦着一個較年老的女人的性慾,帶出年老的人仍然可以有新的性體驗和從中得到滿足感。滿足感畢竟就是這套電影的其中一個核心,道出這兩個截然不同的人在生活上其實都缺乏一點滿足的感覺,並都把真正的自己藏起來,不過經過他們共同的經歷,兩人都對自己和對生活增添了滿足。
“Good Luck To You, Leo Grande” 是一套非常風趣和真誠的喜劇電影,用一個輕鬆和正面的態度探討性慾和家庭關係,Emma Thompson 和 Daryl McCormack的演出令這電影更加昇華。 我非常推薦這套電影,絕對不容錯過!
The film is anchored by the strong performances from its two leads, with Daryl McCormack's performance matching seasoned actor Emma Thompson's as their characters grapple with the various difficulties they have with their families, the ethics of Leo's work, and the reservations that Nancy has regarding exploring her sexuality. The film, incessantly funny, looks at the two through a very human lens, never rejecting them for their choices, and in putting an older woman's sexuality in the limelight, it shows that older people can still experience sex and find fulfillment in it. Indeed, fulfillment is the core of the film as it explores how the two, despite their many differences, are both unfulfilled while trying to hide their true selves from others. The film ultimately shows how their shared experiences has made them both happier with themselves and more fulfilled in life.
"Good Luck To You, Leo Grande" is an absolutely hilarious yet earnest comedy-drama, looking at sex and complicated relationships with family in an affirmative and gentle manner, bolstered by a pair of absolutely brilliant lead performances from Emma Thompson and Daryl McCormack. I highly recommend this movie! Please do yourself a favor and watch it!
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