"Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret." Review
“Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.” 是一套喜劇電影,由 “The Edge of Seventeen” 導演 Kelly Fremon Craig 執導,改編自Judy Blume 1970年出版的同名小說。電影的故事發生在1970年,講述女孩Margaret(Abby Ryder Fortson)成長的經歷,要面對青春期的來臨。面對著種種困難,縱使她還未清楚自己的宗教定位,Margaret開始跟上帝「對話」。
電影非常輕鬆,而電影用了很寫實的手法表達和探討的對青春期各種變化感到的焦慮。眾演員的演出都非常出色,尤其是幾位較年輕、飾演Margaret和她的朋友的演員,他們都演得很自然和真實,成功捕捉到年輕人對成長的不安和盼望。Abby Ryder Fortson 的演出令觀眾能夠感受到Margaret對內在和外在種種改變的忐忑。
“Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.” 是一套輕鬆和扣人心弦的喜劇電影,既有一個簡單而且永遠能夠令人窩心的故事,又有Abby Ryder Fortson的一個非常精湛的演出。我絕對推薦這套電影,適合全家人一起觀看。千萬不要錯過!
The film is just a delight to watch, so uproariously funny and earnest in its exploration of preteen angst and the changes brought on by puberty that you can't help but smile at how genuine this film is in portraying the issues that come with growing up. The performances are great all around, especially from the younger actors, who really capture the timeless feeling of angst everyone feels during big changes in life. Abby Ryder Fortson in particular embodies Margaret in her entirety with all her anxieties, her anger, and her hope, getting the audience to truly empathize with Margaret as she deals with changes both internal and external.
"Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret." is a lighthearted, funny and heartfelt comedy-drama with a simple yet timeless story and a brilliant and endearing lead performance from Abby Ryder Fortson. I highly recommend this movie! Please do not miss it!
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