Quick Review: Knock at the Cabin

Knock at the Cabin is a slow-burn thriller with simmering tension from the very first scene, featuring excellent performances from Dave Bautista, Jonathan Groff, and Ben Aldridge. Four strangers break into a small cabin with a family vacationing inside, and quickly demands that the family make an impossible choice.

The film is very contained, being set mainly in and around the cabin, and while it's not truly scary, the palpable tension felt in every scene owing to the sheer unpredictable nature of the strangers' actions more than makes up for a lack of scares, and the committed performances from Groff and Aldridge (and Kristen Cui, who plays the young daughter of Groff and Aldridge's characters) really helps to sell this bizarre and terrifying situation that the family finds itself in, and Dave Bautista is an excellent antagonist. Quietly imposing, clearly doesn't want to hurt anyone, and is very understanding of how the choice the family has to make is causing them a lot of pain and disbelief, yet he is also ruthless when he needs to be. His performance is the highlight of the film for me.

For anyone who has not had the chance to watch this, please watch Knock at the Cabin! A tense film from start to finish!

Knock at the Cabin 是一套驚慄片,由 The Sixth Sense 導演 M. Night Shyamalan 執導, 講述一個家庭被四名陌生人劫持被逼做出一個不可能的選擇。這套電影的主要場景就是家庭身處的小木屋,而雖然電影不算很恐怖,那四位陌生人的行為實在難以預測,令電影充滿著緊張的氣氛。各演員的演出都非常出色,尤其是 Jonathan Groff,Ben Aldridge,當然亦都要提一提Kristen Cui(Jonathan Groff和Ben Aldridge角色的女兒),令觀眾可以完全感受到他們的角色的驚慌。Dave Bautista也很出色,對我來說更是整套電影最突出的,因為他的角色雖然不想傷害人,也理解那一家人要作出的決擇是非常艱難的,但他並沒有其他選擇,只可以堅持到底,是一個很特別的反派角色。

千萬不要錯過Knock at the Cabin,是一套由頭緊張到尾的電影!絕對推介!


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