"Till" Review

Till is a 2022 film about the real-life events surrounding the death of Emmett Till and its fallout, particularly its effect on his mother Mamie Till and how she was driven to pursue justice in the aftermath. This is not an easy film to watch, and will undoubtedly hit especially hard for anyone who has had to deal with racism and discrimination first-hand. 

The movie starts off slow, with an introduction to Emmett and Mamie and their relationship, setting the stage for Emmett's upcoming trip to Mississippi and the tragedy that follows. For context, Emmett Till was the target of lynching, an unlawful killing, by Mississippi locals, and the film centers on Mamie Till as she comes to terms with her son's brutal murder and its aftermath, trying to raise awareness of just how horrific and widespread racism can get, in order to prevent what happened to her son from happening again.

Whether you already know the story of Emmett Till or are learning about it for the first time, the film is likely to stir a lot of emotions. I know it did for me. I was appalled at just how casual racism was in the 50s, shocked by the terrifying ways racists can hurt people around them simply out of bigotry and hate, and absolutely heartbroken to see the sad fate of Emmett Till as well as Mamie doing all she can to seek justice for her son's death while understanding that it probably won't do much good. Indeed, as some text tells us near the end, the law that makes lynching a hate crime at the federal level in the US, named the Emmett Till Antilynching Act, was only passed in 2022, 67 years after the tragic event that sparked so much outrage.

The standout of the film is without a doubt the transcendent performance from Danielle Deadwyler as Mamie Till, fully embodying Mamie's grief, desperation and quiet rage against the absolute injustice inherent in the system that has led to the death of not only Emmett Till but also a lot of black people at the hands of racists. From a slight shift in her gaze to a small change in tone, every single moment of Deadwyler's performance is enrapturing. The scene where Mamie speaks out at court is a true standout, being not only a therapeutic release of all the grief and helplessness she felt but also a assertion that despite all the threats and backlash, despite all the odds being stacked against her, she will still stand up against the system that allowed her son to be killed.

Till is a film about the murder of Emmett Till and its aftermath, a film about racism, and a film about a mother's unwavering pursuit of justice for her son's brutal death. It is timely and timeless all at once, and the lead performance from Danielle Deadwyler is absolutely transfixing. I cannot believe that she was not nominated for Best Actress at the Oscars for 2023. Till is, without a doubt, a must-watch masterpiece!!


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