"A Cure For Wellness": a decent horror film with good performances and creepy visuals, but drags on a bit too long

A Cure for Wellness: a psychological/gothic horror film about young upstart executive Lockhart (Dane DeHaan) being tasked to retrieve the company's CEO from a rehabilitation center high up in the Swiss Alps, only to find that the center and its director Doctor Volmer have several dark and deadly secrets...

The Good: Very creepy imagery with eels, beautiful scenery, gripping performances as Lockhart grapples with the horror at the institute and Volmer's increasingly-apparent evil. Volmer (Jason Isaacs) is deliciously menacing and incredibly creepy.  Mia Goth as the vulnerable Hannah gradually being drawn to Lockhart seems like a typical damsel in distress, but her wonder at the world outside the institute does lend itself to some heartwarming moments. The gloomy gothic horror atmosphere is also a nice touch.

The Bad: The film is a little too long at two and a half hours, feeling overstuffed and just overstaying its own welcome in the last half-hour which just drags on and on, feeling as if it could have ended several times, and the ease with which Lockhart slips past the staff in the institute to get into restricted areas just begins to seem more and more silly as the film goes on.

Verdict: Despite some shortcomings in the plot and the pacing, the performances, unsettling atmosphere, and the creepy visuals make A Cure for Wellness a worthy, if overly long, watch. 7/10


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