"You Won't Be Alone": A beautiful and esoteric fable about a young witch and the power of humanity

You Won't Be Alone is not an easy film to watch. 

The dialogue is sparse and entirely in an old Macedonian dialect. The protagonist never speaks. The pacing is slow, and yet there's something mesmerizing about the whole thing, in large part thanks to the beautiful scenery captured by the cinematographer. I could never look away, I was so completely immersed in the film.

The plot is simple enough: A young witch rejects the witch who raised her, and, using the ability of witches to almost literally live someone else's life, she begins to understand more about humanity, even as the old witch expresses nothing but hatred towards humans. 

The story is not the focus, merely the tool through which the themes of the film are laid out to be examined. Musings on identity, gender roles, privilege, and the innocence of youth are all at the heart what the film is trying to say, but the most important concepts are empathy and understanding. It is only with empathy that the young witch grows to understand humanity and learns to love them. She also gets to enjoy a "normal" life taken away from her by the old witch.

The film is a beautiful meditation about the human condition, about empathy, love, identity. It's not for everyone, but it's definitely interesting and worth a watch if you're interested in a thought-provoking film about a young witch trying to understand humanity and fit in with people.

(There is some gore and some frightening imagery, but I personally wouldn't classify this as a horror film.)

Score: 10/10


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