Reviewing "You" Season 3: Still entertaining, hilarious, and murder-y

You Season 3 once again follows sociopath stalker/murderer Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) and his equally insane wife Love Quinn (Victoria Pedretti) as they settle down in the suburbs with their child. Being the unstable people that they both are, the limits of their patience and their marriage are tested as a series of impulsive decisions quickly lead to their lives spiraling out of control...

The Good:

The humor is still very on-brand, contrasting morbid situations with snappy dialogue about more mundane topics and disagreements, thorough exasperation in Joe's monologues, and the constant "here we go again" look on his face

The performances are great, especially Pedretti as her character gradually grows more and more unhinged and we get to fully see just how insane yet tragic Love is

There are still some characters you want to hate just like Joe and Love do, but this time, a lot of them have sympathetic qualities that are slowly unveiled, making you care about them and want them to make it through

The two leads are magnetic and charismatic, with their tensions, their insane justifications for their  actions, and their quieter moments showing vulnerability all making them no less murderous and sinister and yet still very sympathetic despite the horrible things they continue to do to keep their lives under control

The twists (especially the one at the end of the first episode) are perfectly set up and handled

The ending (more twists!) is truly unexpected and highlights the leads' performances once more

The Bad:

The season could have been 2 episodes shorter, some sequences could have been trimmed down too

Overall, You Season 3 still an excellently entertaining psychological thriller with laugh-out-loud moments of comedy, and I can't wait to see what it does for Season 4.


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