Reviewing "Relic": A thought-provoking minimalist horror film
Relic is a horror film directed by Natalie Erika James, starring Bella Heathcote, Emily Mortimer, and Robyn Nevin as the three generations of women in a family. Nevin's Edna is elderly and suffering from dementia, and has gone missing when the film begins, prompting her daughter Kay (Mortimer) and granddaughter Sam (Heathcote) to go to her house in the countryside and attempt to find her. While at the house, they notice a strange black mould growing on the walls, and frightening things start happening.
The story is a sobering look at dementia and its effects on the afflicted's family, and as the plot goes on, there is frequent debate as to what must be done with Edna and how best to take care of her if she is found. The horror elements also tie into this theme and functions as an effective allegory for living with dementia and having relatives with dementia, as more horrifying and inexplicable events start happening.
Emily Mortimer gives a standout performance as Kay, being adamant that her mother should be put in a nursing home as neither Sam nor herself have enough support to afford taking care of Edna while living their own lives, though she also understands that Edna would want her daughter to care for her. Sam, played excellently by Bella Heathcote, instead wants to take care of Edna personally, but knows that she will give up living a life in the city to accomplish this and is therefore conflicted as well.
The film is very tense and is positively dripping with constant dread, as Kay and Sam both know that something is very wrong with Edna. This no doubt parallels a lot of experiences those who have family members with dementia.
The ending is quite divisive. Some are going to like it, and some are going to hate it. I fall in the former camp, and I m happy to say that despite the ending's sense of ambiguity and its undertones of tragedy and sadness. I found it a satisfying ending regardless.
Relic is a unique horror film with something to say about dementia and how they should be treated by family, and feature great performances from everyone, especially Emily Mortimer and Bella Heathcote.
Score: 8/10
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