
"Disclaimer" Review

"DISCLAIMER" is a psychological thriller miniseries created by Alfonso  Cuarón  starring Cate Blanchett, Kevin Kline, Kodi Smit-McPhee and Sacha Baron Cohen. It centers on documentarian Catherine Ravenscroft (Blanchett), who receives a novel that seems to be about a secret she desperately wishes to hide from her family. We also meet Stephen Brigstocke, a teacher who seems connected to Catherine's past and wants to destroy her life. Parallel to these events are glimpses into the past as more is shown about Jonathan Brigstocke, Stephen's son, and his fateful holiday in Italy. The fallout of Stephen's actions drive the story as we find out more about what happened so long ago. The story is engrossing in the best way, constantly propulsive and inviting viewers to keep watching as the mystery is gradually unraveled and its impact on Catherine's life snowballs into devastating consequences for her and her family. In addition to the intriguing plot, the inner thought...

"Baby Reindeer" review

"Baby Reindeer" 是Richard Gadd創作的一套黑色喜劇驚悚迷你劇,每集都由Gadd自己編劇。這部劇集根據Gadd 被人跟蹤的真實經歷改編,Gadd飾演Donny Dunn,Donny是根據Gadd本人改編的人物。這劇集充滿著黑色幽默,就像Donny試圖成為喜劇演員卻遭到觀眾的嘲笑一樣,有種幸災樂禍的感覺。 雖然Donny被跟蹤的一些情況也顯現得有趣,但這些情況的本質卻被明確地表現得是令Donny恐懼和不安的。 演員的演出都是一流的,Gadd代入在自己的虛構版本中,透過Donny展示了自己當年被人跟蹤的恐懼和脆弱,Jessica Gunning飾演跟踪唐尼的迷戀者Martha,而Nava Mau飾演Donny的變性人女友Teri,漸漸地被Martha跟蹤Donny的事件而影響自己和Donny的關係。這劇集探討了被跟蹤會造成的創傷,Donny(以及Richard Gadd 本人)身上發生的事情明確地提醒我們,男性也可能受到性侵犯和侮辱,應該更廣泛地看重這一類帶來創傷的事件。總括而言,"Baby Reindeer" 是一部黑色幽默的迷你劇,有精湛的演出、出色的劇情,以及對性侵犯和跟踪造成的心理創傷有深入的探索,是一套我非常推薦的劇集。 Baby Reindeer is a black comedy thriller drama miniseries created by Richard Gadd, with each episode written by Gadd. Gadd stars as Donny Dunn, a fictionalised version of himself, in a series based on Gadd's troubled real-life experience of being stalked. The series is darkly hilarious, like Donny's attempts to be a comedian being met with derision from his audience, which makes it all the more funny for us viewers. While some of the ...

"Immaculate" Review

《Immaculate》是一套恐怖電影,講述了一位年輕的美國修女在義大利的一座修道院裡發現自己神秘懷孕的故事。 Sydney Sweeney 飾演主角Cecilia,試圖找出懷孕背後的原因。 影片在開頭幾分鐘就展示修道院裡發生了一些恐怖的事情,然後花了一些時間透過Cecilia讓我們透過了解修道院裡的人。 然後Cecilia懷孕了,電影的其餘部分著重於解開它是如何發生的以及這個謎團對修道院和Cecilia本人產生的種種反應。 電影的節奏其實拖得有點長,不過最後的20 分鐘彌補了之前的部分,為核心謎團提供了答案,大大加快了節奏,我們亦見到Cecilia漸漸敢於反抗,並從而展示了Sydney Sweeney的演技。電影的尾段帶來了實際的恐怖的氣氛,並透過結局豐富了電影的前半部分。 因此,雖然電影的節奏實在有點瑕疵,但一個有趣的謎團、Sydney Sweeney出色的演出以及緊張的尾段令《Immaculate》成為一套我推薦的電影。 "Immaculate" is a horror film about a young American nun in a convent in Italy who discovers that she is mysteriously pregnant. It stars Sydney Sweeney as the protagonist Cecilia as she tries to figure out the circumstances behind the pregnancy. The film sets up some nefarious goings-on at the convent in the first few minutes, and then spends some time letting us get to know the people at the convent through Cecilia. Then Cecilia gets pregnant and the rest of the film is devoted to the mystery of how it happened and the ripple effects it has on the convent and Cec...

What's your favorite horror movie?

恐怖片多不勝數,有不同的類型亦有廣大的吸引力。有些會反映較為現實的場面,有些會比較天馬行空一點;有些會純粹恐怖,有些會帶一點幽默; 有些會充斥着血腥和暴力,有些會着重氣氛或反映角色的內心世界。所以現在只有一個問題:你最喜歡的恐怖片究竟是哪一套? Horror movies are scary, yes, but they also have consistent widespread appeal, with many different sub-genres. Horror can be based in realistic situations or the totally fantastical. Horror can be pure terror or be tinged with hilarious comedy. Horror can be bloody and gory or be more psychological. With that said, one question remains: What's your favorite scary movie? ~ Posters: 1. The Shallows (2016) 2. Blood Red Sky (2021) 3. Fall (2022) 4. Beau Is Afraid (2023) 5. Fresh (2022) 6. Saint Maud (2019) #movies #電影迷 #cinephile #恐怖片 #scarymovies #🎞 #😱

"Defending Jacob" Review

"Defending Jacob" 是一個迷你劇集,講述夫婦Andy (Chris Evans) 和Laurie Barber (Michelle Dockery) 的兒子Jacob (Jaeden Martell)被捲入一單謀殺案之中,兩人對這個突如其來的消息的應對方法都不同,但都希望可以證明Jacob的清白,同時也要面對他人的目光。 這套劇集的節奏雖然比較慢一些,但我認為這其實是這套劇的優勢,能讓觀眾可以真正感受到劇情每一個轉折帶來 的震撼。主演的演出也非常好,尤其是Michelle Dockery演的Laurie 在 越來越懷疑Jacob可能真的跟謀殺案有關。飾演Andy的Chris Evans 也得很出色,想查出真相以證明Jacob跟案件毫無關係。故事的 轉折也非常意想不到,而 這個故事一直在不給觀眾明確的答案,因為這套劇集並不關注事件的真相,而是選擇專注於指控對Andy、Laurie和Jacob的影響。 "Defending Jacob" 是 一部精彩的犯罪迷你劇,演員演得出色,劇集有著一個瀰漫著沉重的氣氛,還由於不顯露 明確的真相而 大大增強了這個故事的威力。 "Defending Jacob" is a drama miniseries starring Chris Evans, Michelle Dockery, and Jaeden Martell. Evans and Dockery are Andy and Laurie Barber, parents to Martell's Jacob. When Jacob is suspected in the murder of a classmate, their lives are upended as Andy and Laurie wrestle with the consequences and the possibility of Jacob's guilt. The series is rather slow-paced, but I think the pacing really works in its favor since it allows the viewer to truly stew in eac...

"Anatomy of a Fall" Review

"Anatomy of a Fall" is a French drama and thriller film directed by Justine Triet and starring Sandra Hüller as Sandra, a woman who attempts to prove her innocence in her husband's mysterious death.  The film is mainly consists of people talking or arguing in court, but it is effectively gripping. The lead performance from Hüller is extremely believable as a woman desperate to prove that she had nothing to do with a horrible death despite all the signs pointing to her as guilty. The film's pacing is slow yet deliberate, and was never dull or boring. The film is simply enthralling to watch from beginning to end as more and more revelations are uncovered about the cracks in Sandra's relationship with her husband. The result is a frank and realistic portrait of a marriage teetering on the brink, a clash of personalities that may have ultimately ended in murder. I highly recommend this film! A true masterpiece of cinema! For a more detailed review or to see what I thi...

"Bones and All" Review

"Bones and All" is a drama-horror film directed by Luca Guadagnino. It tells the story of Maren (Taylor Russell), a young woman who embarks on a cross-country road trip to find her mother, accompanied by a young man named Lee (Timothee Chalamet) as the two gradually grow closer over the course of the journey. An additional wrinkle? Both of them are cannibals known as Eaters! Yes, the two main characters, as well as some others they meet along their trip, have a taste for human flesh. This film is definitely not for the faint of heart. The film is simple in terms of plot, because the film is driven by the growing relationship between Maren and Lee as well as Maren reckoning with the horrific effects of her cannibalism. The performances are what truly elevate this film, with Maren's vulnerability and empathy for others despite her urge to eat humans being wonderfully encapsulated by Taylor Russell. Lee, as a more worldly young man, is also perfectly portrayed as a conflicte...