What's your favorite horror movie?
恐怖片多不勝數,有不同的類型亦有廣大的吸引力。有些會反映較為現實的場面,有些會比較天馬行空一點;有些會純粹恐怖,有些會帶一點幽默; 有些會充斥着血腥和暴力,有些會着重氣氛或反映角色的內心世界。所以現在只有一個問題:你最喜歡的恐怖片究竟是哪一套? Horror movies are scary, yes, but they also have consistent widespread appeal, with many different sub-genres. Horror can be based in realistic situations or the totally fantastical. Horror can be pure terror or be tinged with hilarious comedy. Horror can be bloody and gory or be more psychological. With that said, one question remains: What's your favorite scary movie? ~ Posters: 1. The Shallows (2016) 2. Blood Red Sky (2021) 3. Fall (2022) 4. Beau Is Afraid (2023) 5. Fresh (2022) 6. Saint Maud (2019) #movies #電影迷 #cinephile #恐怖片 #scarymovies #🎞 #😱