
Showing posts from August, 2023

"A Friend of the Family" Review

"A Friend of the Family" is a limited drama series about the true story of Jan Broberg's kidnappings in the 1970s, starring Jake Lacy as the infamous kidnapper Robert Berchtold, Colin Hanks as Jan's father Bob Broberg, Anna Paquin as Jan's mother Mary Ann Broberg, Lio Tipton as Robert's wife Gail Berchtold, and Mckenna Grace and Hendrix Yancey as Jan Broberg and young Jan Broberg respectively. The pace of the story is slow but the proceedings are appropriately horrifying and transfixing, as Robert Berchtold kidnaps Jan and we see Bob and Mary Ann paralyzed by inaction. Only later do we gradually understand the extent of the hold that Berchtold has over the entire family. Berchtold is played to chilling perfection by Jake Lacy, Hendrix Yancey as Jan Broberg is also very absorbing to watch, and as is Mckenna Grace as a slightly older Jan Broberg in the second half of the season. The production design is also superb, immersing the viewer in its 1970s setting enti...

Game Night (2018) Review

Game Night (2018) 是一套動作喜劇電影,所有的演出、每一位角色和劇情的每一個扭曲都恰到好處,從頭到尾都非常搞笑。Rachel McAdams 可以說是這套電影最出色的演員,而她的角色在電影裡有最多令人捧腹大笑的對白。因為電影有很多惹笑的情節和對白,每個角色都是各有特色,而故事峰迴路轉,劇情發展永遠估不到,所以我絕對推薦 Game Night這一套娛樂性非常高的電影,並認為這是近年其中一套最好的喜劇電影。 Few movies have been as uproariously funny for me as Game Night (2018) was. As an action comedy film, every performance, every character, and every plot development were all pitch-perfect, eliciting laughs all the way through. Rachel McAdams is the standout, with her character being given some of the funniest lines. The absolutely hilarious jokes, interesting characters and unexpected plot twists help make the movie a very entertaining time. I highly recommend Game Night as one of the best comedies I have seen in recent years.