Fall is a survival thriller film, stripped down to all the essentials, with two young women and a tall tower. That's it. The young women in question are Becky (Grace Caroline Currey) and Hunter (Virginia Gardner). The tower is a 2000-feet-high broadcast tower out in the desert. One year after the death of Becky's husband in a climbing accident, Becky is jolted out of her alcoholism and grief by Hunter, who suggest that they climb to the top of a tall broadcast tower and spread Dan's ashes there. The rickety tower doesn't inspire much confidence in Becky, but she climbs nonetheless. As the two climb, we are treated to shots of bolts slowly coming loose from the ladder, but the women make it to the top without incident. They take some photos and begin to climb back down when the ladder falls apart. The film is very effective in causing anxiety for viewers, with constant shots of the height of the tower reminding the audience that the two women are at the top of a very tal...